*Deep breath*. We have big news…

A personal message from our Landlady, Louise Treseder

I’ve made the extremely difficult decision to put the pub on the market. There, I’ve said it! I broke the news to my brilliant team face-to-face, and now we’re gradually informing the wider community around the pub, which is massive and frankly feels like an extended family.

It’s been something I’ve been considering for a while now and, after losing my dear Dad last year, it feels like the right time to prioritise my other responsibilities and interests.

I want to reassure everyone – staff, suppliers, regulars and all future bookings, that nothing will change in the immediate future. It’s business as usual, and I plan to go out on a high with a great summer of fun, food, beer, sea swims and laughter.

My ambition is to find new owners who understand what the pub means to the local community, and who will be able to preserve its soul while reimagining it for the next generation. It’s a great opportunity for someone or a group of people with fresh energy to come along and tap into the huge potential the pub has – it’s just not a challenge I want to take on myself right now.

I’m so, so proud of everything we’ve achieved together as a community over the years, with the pub playing its part as a local hub offering a warm welcome to all. The brewery, which I co-founded with Pete all those years ago, is another source of huge pride and I really hope that the pub and brewery will continue to coexist and thrive alongside each other under new ownership.

I’m starting the search for a new custodian (you’ll find the pub listed here with commercial property specialists Charles Darrow) with high hopes that the right buyer can be found. With many years of careful independent ownership and several streams of income, it’s being sold on a sound financial footing with scope for growth. I hope my optimism will be rewarded – we shall see! We live in crazy times, but this gem of a place – a diamond in the rough some might say – is worthy of new and loving owners.

Finally, a reminder that we’ll continue to operate as usual and none of our existing wedding, room, music or food bookings will be affected. If anyone has any questions or concerns, they are welcome to speak to me directly.

I look forward to seeing you over the next few months. For now I’m focusing on finding the right successor, but there’ll be many a ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye’ to say further down the line. There’ll be tears too I’m sure! I think I’ll need to keep hydrated to get through this…

Lou x

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